Il bar del Manöverschluck
Le nostre bevande sono contenute in una pratica bottiglia e sono quindi facili da distribuire a bordo. Se desiderate qualcosa di più sofisticato, sono ovviamente ideali anche per i cocktail. Qui trovate la nostra selezione per JJs Manöverschluck Jamaika.
JJs Manöverschluck Jamaika

Jamaica Libre (Cuba Libre)
Our Jamaika is too precious to mix with coke? On the contrary! Just as a good gin & tonic needs a fine gin and the right tonic, out Jamaika combined with the right coke turns an ordinary Cuba Libre into a delicious Jamaica Libre. This is how you do it:
5 cl JJs Manöverschluck Jamaika
1 cl lime juice
12 cl Fritz Cola
lime wedges
ice cu
Dark & Stormy
Sometimes the sea is dark and stormy.
2cl lime juice
Thomas Henry Spicy Ginger Beer
4cl JJs Manöverschluck Jamaika
ice cubes
lime slices

JJ's Sour
Rum sour is an underrated classic. The fruity notes in our Jamaika give it a special twist. Jens' favorite drink.
5 cl JJs Manöverschluck Jamaika
3 cl lemon juice
1,5 cl sugar syrup
1,5 cl egg white
Jungle Bird
A drink from Malaysia that was invented in the 1970s at the Kuala Lumpur Hilton. Time for a revival.
5 cl JJs Manöverschluck Jamaika
1.5 cl Campari
4.5 cl pineapple juice
1.5 cl lime juice
1.5 cl sugar syrup
2 dashes Angostura Bitter
pineapple for garnish

Caipirinha Cruise
Just as with the Jamaica Libre, the ingredients define the drink. Our variation of the classic:
6 cl JJs Manöverschluck Jamaika
1 lime cut in wedges
2 tsp grown sugar
crushed ice
Hot Buttered Rum
This classic from the colonial period in the US is ideal for cold evenings on board.
5 cl JJs Manöverschluck Jamaika
1.5 cl sugar syrup
2 pieces cloves
1 pinch cinnamon
1 pinch nutmeg
2 tsp melted, unsalted butter
150ml hot water

Oldie but goldie: eggnog. Especially yummy with our Jamaikai Prepared in larger amounts this is the ideal gift for friends and family.
5 cl JJs Manöverschluck Jamaika
9 cl milk
6 cl cream
20 gramm sugar
1 egg